[originaltext] Italy’s capital Rome is a famous tourist attraction, but ther

游客2024-06-11  2

Italy’s capital Rome is a famous tourist attraction, but there are swarms of birds that crowd in Rome’s historic public squares and churches every winter, forcing tourists and passers-by to seek refuge under umbrellas. Recently, scientists have found out a good way to solve this problem. The Italian League for the Protection of Birds will broadcast bird "distress calls" over loudspeakers in the historic centers, using a technology it has tried in Rome’s outskirts to scare the make when there is danger and they will play it over megaphone6 at dusk when the birds are starting to nest down. They want to chase the lights. Then the birds will head to outlying parks and suburbs. This method has been proved very efficient and there is no cruelty to birds involved since they just migrate to parks and woods outside the city. Between October and February some four million birds migrate to the Italian capital from Germany, Poland and Russia, darkening the horizon  and painting abstract shapes in the sky that capture the imagination  of onlookers. The huge flocks also coat cars, buildings and anyone who has not found cover with bird droppings. Tourists are advised to carry umbrellas or raincoats at dusk and residents have to put up with the terrible smell for months at a time.

选项 A、To other European countries.
B、To the remote areas and suburbs.
C、To the natural parks for birds.
D、Back to their nests.

答案 B

解析 本题问的是鸟儿离开罗马中心市区后飞往何处。短文中的细节“Then the birds will head to outlying parks and suburbs”告诉我们选项B为正确答案。