
游客2023-12-28  12

问题     ①中国信息通信研究院(以下简称“中国信通院”)始建于1957年,是工业和信息化部直属科研事业单位。②多年来,中国信通院始终秉持“国家高端专业智库和产业创新发展平台”的发展定位,在行业发展的重大战略、规划、政策、标准和测试认证等方面发挥了有力支撑作用,为我国通信业跨越式发展和信息技术产业创新壮大起到了重要推动作用。


答案     ①Founded in 1957, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (hereinafter referred to as "CAICT") is a scientific research institute directly under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China. ②While sticking to the positioning of "a specialized think-tank for the government, and an innovation and development platform for the industry" for years, CAICT provides strong support for the industry’s major strategies, plans, policies, standards, testing and certification, thus proving itself an important facilitator in the leapfrog development and innovation of China’s information and communications industry.
    ③In recent years, with a view to adapting to the new eco-social backdrop and requirements and under the new national strategy of building China into a "strong cyber and manufacturing power", CAICT has strengthened its efforts in making innovations to achieve wider and deeper research landscape while reinforcing its advantages in telecommunication and the Internet. In-depth study and fore-sighted planning have been conducted in the fields of 4G/5G, industrial Internet, smart manufacturing, mobile Internet, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Vehicles (IoV), cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, future network, intelligent hardware, and cyber and information security. CAICT has played an important role in research on strategies and policies related to the integration between industrialization and 1CT and IT application, technological innovation, industrial development, and security assurance, which has strongly supported the strategy and policy making in such domain as Internet+ and Broadband China, as well as the implementation of key tasks concerning various sectors.

解析     1.①句“A部门直属/隶属于B机构”,除了参考译文的表达,还可译为A is directly administered/supervised/managed by B。或译为A is under the direct supervision/administration of B.
    2.②句除了参考译文的处理方法,也可采用顺句驱动的译法,将“多年来,中国信通院始终秉持……发展定位”这一分句译为主谓宾结构,作为主句,再用while来连接“在行业发展的……支撑作用”的这一分句,最后以动名词引导的伴随状语从句译出最后一个分句,即处理为Over the years. CAICT has been sticking to the positioning of…while providing strong support for…,thus proving itself…“秉持”一词除了译为stick to,还可表达为uphold、live up to、adhere to、hold fast to、be a steadfast adherent of。
    3.③句一句成段,分句多且繁杂,可以三个“在”字句为界,划分句群,将整段拆译为三句。在拆译后的第一句中 (即近年来……提升研究深度),“适应……、围绕……”这一部分除了参考译文的译法,还可将其视为目的状语,译为in order to adapt to…and carry out…;“网络强网”和“制造强国”除了合译为a “strong cyber and manufacturing power”,还可译为cyber and manufacture powerhouse:政府公文中常见“广度”与 “深度”连用的表述,此处“扩展研究领域、提升研究深度”可理解为“提升研究广度与深度”,因此可表达为achieve wider and deeper research landscape或increase the reach and extent/width and depth of research landscape。
    4.③句拆分后的第二句(即“在4G/5G……前瞻布局”一句)包含的互联网领域专有名词较多,译者应注意积累。 “前瞻布局”意指“前瞻性的规划、计划”。因此“前瞻”可洋为foresighted、forward-looking,“布局”则可用planning、layout或deployment表达。
    5.⑧句拆分后的最后一句中(即在国家信息通信及信息化……各领域重要任务的实施。),“政策出台”实为“政策制定”之意,不宜按照字面译为policy approval,而应译为policy making、policy setting或policy formulation。