1986年全国人大常委会副委员长班禅喇嘛在西康地区大法会上教诲信徒们,要爱惜民族团结,维护祖国统一。 在中国,公民的信仰自由受到法律保护。目前全

游客2023-12-25  42

问题     1986年全国人大常委会副委员长班禅喇嘛在西康地区大法会上教诲信徒们,要爱惜民族团结,维护祖国统一。


答案     In 1986, Panchen Lama, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, instructed his disciples at a grand religious ceremony in Xikang Prefecture to cherish ethnic solidarity and safeguard national unity.
    In China, a citizen’s freedom to religious belief is protected by law. At present, there are about 14,000 monks and nuns throughout Tibet. Eight hundred religious personages work in the people’s congresses, political consultative conferences, Buddhist associations and government bodies of various levels.
    According to available statistics, since 1978, the central and local governments have invested more than 20 million yuan for renovating around 200 temples and monasteries and 700 worship halls. The regular religious activities of Tibetan compatriots are guaranteed.
    Tibetans have a long history and highly developed culture. As all Tibetans are religious believers, the Tibetan culture is intertwined with religion. One notices artistic form in the religious activities and religious factors in arts. They are inseparable.

解析     本文有关西藏少数民族情况。涉及宗教与文化,文章用数字说话,很有说服力。