共享经济 常常有人问我什么是“共享经济”。现在正是时候,

游客2023-12-25  15

问题                                                 共享经济
    3D印刷提高了效率。社会责任感强。在共享经济中,价值的概念并不仅仅局限于金融方面的价值,经济、环境和社会方面的价值同等重要。分享经济中的物质和社会回报是非常丰厚的,也能够充分利用资源。在这个体系中,每个人都可以进行创新型的活动。 在共享经济中,浪费的东西也具有价值,认为它们是放错了位置的资源。分享经济鼓励地方、社区、各个组织和政府充分利用这些资源,将它们重新分配给需要的人们手中。
    在共享经济中,技术扮演了非常重要的角色……比如,人们可以使用共享汽车而无需拥有一辆汽车并且维护汽车。 分享经济能给人和环境带来很多益处,有利于人与自然的和谐共处,能够提高人们的生活水平和环境的承载能力,帮助人们履行在环境方面的责任,避免各个组织、机构和政府承担破坏环境所带来的代价。对于政府和社会来说,分享经济是可持续发展的经济,有利于对资源的重复利用,有利于保护环境。
    在共享经济中,信息是共享的,任何个人、组织、社团都可以以各种方式获取信息,并将信息用于多种目的。技术有利于信息的自由流动和分享。分享经济也可以促进教育的发展,让所有人都获得自己需要的知识、技能和工具。 当前,分享经济仍然处于发展的初期,但这仅仅是一个开始,它有很大的潜力,以分享和合作的方式发展成为一种新的经济模式,从而改变人类社会。


答案     I am often asked what a "shared economy" is. Now is the time for me to explain to you the definition of "shared economy", which can help people build a better "shared economy". In such a social and economic system, people can share information and other things, and everyone in any organization can produce, trade and consume goods and services.
    People are at the center of the shared economy, which is about people’s economy. All participants, including individuals, communities, organizations, companies and institutions, are deeply integrated into the shared economy to contribute to humanity. In the shared economy, any person, organization and organization can produce products and services through cooperation, which makes products break through the boundaries of practical significance.
    3D printing improves efficiency. Strong sense of social responsibility. In the shared economy, the concept of value is not confined to financial value, but equally important to economic, environmental and social values. Sharing material and social returns in the economy is very generous and can make full use of resources. In this system, everyone can engage in innovative activities. In a shared economy, wastes are also valuable resources that are misplaced. Sharing the economy encourages local, community, organizations and governments to make full use of these resources and redistribute them to those who need them.
    Technology plays a very important role in the shared economy…For example, people can use shared cars without having to own a car and maintain it. Sharing economy can bring many benefits to people and the environment, help people to live in harmony with nature, improve people’s living standards and carrying capacity of the environment, help people to fulfill their environmental responsibilities, and avoid organizations, institutions and governments to bear the cost of environmental damage. For the government and society, sharing economy is a sustainable economy, conducive to the reuse of resources, and conducive to the protection of the environment.
    In the shared economy, information is shared. Any individual, organization and community can obtain information in various ways and use it for various purposes. Technology is conducive to the free flow and sharing of information. Sharing the economy can also promote the development of education, so that everyone can acquire the knowledge, skills and tools they need. At present, the sharing economy is still in the early stage of development, but it is only the beginning. It has great potential to develop into a new economic model in the way of sharing and cooperation, thus changing human society.
