下面你将听到一段有关坚持在发展中保障和改善民生的讲话。 [originaltext] 改革开放以来,我国在人民生活领域发生的巨变是广泛而深刻的。从

游客2023-12-25  36

问题 下面你将听到一段有关坚持在发展中保障和改善民生的讲话。
改革开放以来,我国在人民生活领域发生的巨变是广泛而深刻的。从收入和消费看,改革开放初期,我国处于短缺经济状态,大多数人连温饱问题都很难解决。从上世纪80年代开始,我国几乎每10年上一个大台阶。80年代满足了温饱,90年代家用电器开始普及,21世纪第一个10 年住房、汽车开始作为家庭消费品进入千家万户,2010年以来,通讯、旅游、休闲、娱乐等一系列新兴消费爆发式成长。


答案        Since the reform and opening up, changes that have taken place in people’s lives have been widespread and profound. Tremendous changes have occurred regarding incomes and consumption. China was a shortage economy in the early years of reform and opening-up and most people had difficulty meeting even their basic needs. Starting in the 1980s, people’s incomes and consumption took a great step upward around every 10 years. In the 1980s, people’s basic needs were met. In the 1990s, ownership of household appliances became widespread. In the first decade of the 21st century, families owning housing and automobiles became commonplace, and since 2010, there has been explosive growth in consumption in a range of emerging areas such as telecommunications, tourism, leisure, entertainment.
       Tremendous changes have occurred regarding education levels. In 1982, during the early years of reform and opening-up, illiteracy was as high as 24%. Nowadays, the proportion of people aged 6 and over that had received or were receiving an education reached 94.3%, the extent of universal access to education exceeding that of upper-middle income countries, and average years of schooling reached 9.5 years. Further, the average length of schooling of new members of the labor force amounted to 13 years, and of particular note is that the gross enrollment rate for higher education increased rather rapidly, reaching 40%.
       Tremendous changes have occurred regarding employment and the employment structure. In 1978, during the early years of reform and opening-up, people living in rural areas amounted to 790 million out of 960 million, and 280 million out of 400 million in employment. These statistics are typical of a large agrarian country. After almost 40 years of development via reform and opening-up, more than 57% of people resided in urban areas and 73% of all people in employment worked in the industrial and service sectors. In today’s world where world economic growth is sluggish and most countries worry about climbing unemployment, China keeps its urban unemployment rate at around 5%.
       Development is both the basis for and the key to solving every problem that China faces. It is the primary task in governing and rejuvenating the country and remains the absolute principle. However, the development needed in China today is well-balanced development which is guided by the new development philosophy based on innovation, coordination, sustainability, openness, and sharing. As such, while we need to avoid the extensive growth model of days past, we need to avoid falling into the "growth without development" trap even more. Therefore, economic development is the basis for guaranteeing and improving people’s living standards.

解析         本文主要介绍改革开放以来人民生活领域发生的变化。第一段主要介绍生活领域的变化。第二段主要介绍教育领域发生的变化,包括受教育率,平均受教育年限等。第三段主要介绍就业结构和就业状况,包括失业率与工作性质。第四段主要讲述牢牢把握“发展就是硬道理”,坚持新的发展理念。总体来说,本篇结构清晰,但是前三段包含数字较多,信息比较密集,难度属于中等偏上。
        (1)第一段的第二句“从收入和消费看”可结合前一句的“我国在人民生活领域发生的巨变是广泛而深刻的”进行增译,处理成独立的一个句子,即tremendous changes have occurred regarding incomes and consumption,译为一句总结句,承上启下,显化译文的逻辑。
        (2)第二段信息比较密集,出现了与“人口受教育率”,“人均受教育年限”和“毛入学率”相对应的数字。在用笔记进行记录的时候,不仅需要记录关键词,还需要准确记录数字,将数字与相关的信息准确对应。本段中多次出现了“达到”,口译时要考虑词汇多样性,可将其译为amount to,reach,hit等。
        (3)第三段在口译时需要注意的是数字以及单位。本段的信息较为密集,既出现了数字,又出现了计量单位,因此口译过程中要迅速反应并将其正确翻译。尤其是句子“我国9.6亿人口中有7.9亿农民,在4亿多从业人员中有农民2.8亿人”,出现了四个数字,在笔记记录时需要快速且精准。该句可译为people living in rural areas amounted to 790 million out of 960 million, and 280 million out of 400 million in employment。
        (4)第四段的第二句“但我们今天所要的发展,是科学的发展,是要以创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念统领的发展,更要防止跌入‘有增长而无发展’的陷阱”句子较长,口译时需要进行切分,可在“要防止走粗放式发展的老路”该部分进行切分。切分时可增译as such,使译文不生硬突兀。此外,“创新、 协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念”这一部分可以全部将其译为名词,保持词性一致。因此,该句可译为the development needed in China today is well-balanced development which is guided by the new development philosophy based on innovation, coordination, sustainability, openness, and sharing. As such, while we need to avoid the extensive growth model of days past, we need to avoid falling into the “growth without development” trap even more。