
游客2023-12-19  11

问题     这时,潮水越来越大了,天边一根银色的线条,一会儿变成黑色,一会儿又变成白色,渐渐地排山倒海般由远向近而来。由于夜静,这潮水确实是比白天的大,真如千军万马,两个人面对面讲话都听不到。不知道由于心理作用还是事实如此;夜潮的潮头也高,排列也整齐,潮水到镇海宝塔下,竟成了一根笔直的线,象受检阅的部队,整齐极了,人们还舍不得离开,一直看它急流直下。这时钱塘江对岸的一排信号灯全亮了,真是夜潮更比日潮奇。


答案    At this time, the sound of the tide got louder. There was a thread of silver oil the far horizon, sometimes turning black, then becoming silver again. By and by it drew nearer coming from afar as if it could topple the mountains and overturn the seas. In the still of the night, sounds really sound louder than in the day time. It roared like a powerful army with thousands of men and horses, so loud that people could not hear each other talking even if they stood face to face. I was not sure if this was my imagination or a real feeling. The night tide waves were high and orderly in alignment. When they reached the foot of Zhenhai Pagoda, the waves came in a straight line, so straight and orderly that it seemed like an army under review. After the tide passed by, people refused to leave, continuing to look out at the tide until it ran rapidly out. Suddenly a line of signal lamps on the other side of the Qiantang River were turned on. The night tide is truly more fantastic than the day tide.
