
游客2023-12-16  18

问题  我想起故乡放雏鸭的人了。一大群鹅黄色的雏鸭游牧在溪流间。清浅的水,两岸青青的草,一根长长的竹竿在牧人的手里他的小队伍是多么欢欣地发出啾啁声?又多么驯服地随着他的竿头越讨一个田野又一个山坡!夜来了,帐幕似的竹篷撑在地上,就是他的家。但这是怎样辽远的想象啊!在这多尘土的国度里,我仅只希望听见一点树叶上的雨声。


答案 How the little creatures jig-jigged merrily! How they obediently followed the bamboo pole to scamper over field after field, hillside after hillside! When night fell, the duckling raiser would make his home in a tent-like bamboo shed. Oh, that is something of the distant past! Now, in this dusty country of ours, what I yearn for is to hear the drip-drip of rain beating against leaves.
When I look up at a gray misty pall of a low-hanging sky, some dost particles feel chilly on my face. A hawk, seemingly irked by the gloomy sky, swoops down sideways out of nowhere, with wings wide-spread and immovable, until it almost hits the hillock on the other side of the brook. But it soars skywards again with a loud flap.
