If categorized, employees can be roughly divided into those who are always o
If categorized, employees can be roughly divided into those who are always o
If categorized, employees can be roughly divided into those who are always obedient to their employees and those who may go beyond instructions and pop up new ideas. Which type, in your opinion, is better for a company’s development? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.
In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
A Good Employee - More Than Obedient
While having obedient employees that support their supervisors in all projects may be somewhat desirable, having employees that always do exactly as what their bosses say does not necessarily make them valuable assets to the company. Employees that are not afraid to go beyond the requirements of their job, and in doing so stray1 from the direct instructions of their supervisors, are the most valuable type of employees.
If we think of an employee’s value in terms of the money each employee earns for their company in proportion to their salary, then an employee who only does what his or her supervisor requires is not helping the company earn money. In essence, the company is paying many people for one idea. However, if employees take their own initiative and come up with new ideas in addition to their supervisors, then the company is paying many people for several ideas. Employees who only do what their bosses tell them to do are basically "yes men". They do not bring any new ideas to the table and they do not try very hard to help improve their company. In this way a company pays a lot of money for people who do not improve and will not help their company succeed. Google is a good example of a company whose employees are encouraged to be individual and not just toe the line of their bosses. Every one of their employees is given time to come up with their own projects and plans. Innovations in technology like Google Earth have been developed this way. The programs developed from encouraging employees to not always follow their boss’s instructions have generated millions of dollars for Google.
Encouraging employees to have individual ideas and goals is also a way that companies can save money. If a company just hires a bunch of "yes men", then the responsibility for coming up with a successful business plan all falls on the supervisor’s shoulders. What if the supervisor has a really terrible plan that causes the company to lose millions? Employees who willingly give their constructive opinions are much more valuable in this case. By speaking up and not just following their supervisor’s lead, these employees help save the company from losing a lot of money. You can see this kind of successful business model applied when companies expand abroad. Take KFC for example. Most people in China joke that KFC is basically Chinese. I have some American friends and they say that KFC is nothing like KFC in the U.S. If the leaders of KFC had just simply followed the U.S. business plan, then this restaurant chain would not be as successful as it is in China.
Employees who think individually and do not just follow their supervisor’s advice are more valuable to a company because they help create products and give innovative ideas that help bring in more money. They also keep the company from losing money by helping to build flawless business plans by giving advice and criticism when necessary.
文章开头首先提出:对上司言听计从并不见得能够成为公司器重的人才,其后更是直接提出个人观点。这里需要考生注意的是,文章并没有使用I think,in my opinion等明确的观点表述词,但显得更加掷地有声。在文章的正文部分,作者的论证严丝合缝,环环相扣,符合一篇议论文的基本要求。不少同学论证时几句话后便无话可说,本文可作为一篇较好的借鉴。作者在论证中更是使用了反问、举例等手法,使说理更加充分。