Your life on campus is approaching to an end and you need to compose a thesi

游客2023-12-08  31

问题     Your life on campus is approaching to an end and you need to compose a thesis to conclude your four years in college. In the thesis-writing process, you may have some experience in academic research. So do you think it is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.
    In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
    Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案                 Theorizing with No Data Does Good
    It is a rare situation where one is faced with a dilemma without the benefit of having at least some information about that particular state of affairs. Seldom does something pop up out of nowhere for which there is absolutely no data available. However, when a situation occurs where there is no information immediately available, hypothesizing about a theoretical explanation for that set of circumstances can certainly lay the groundwork for an understanding of what has happened.
    To theorize means to form a theory about something or to speculate about a set of circumstances. Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines a theory in part as "a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation; [or] an unproved assumption." People automatically make assumptions about a situation based on prior experience with a set of circumstances or a particular set of facts. It is the normal decision and thought-making process that human beings go through in trying to decipher the world around them. If an individual were not allowed to make an assumption about a situation, the individual would be lacking an essential human element in the process of interpreting that particular situation. Theorizing about a possible explanation can eliminate implausible solutions as well as generate a range of possibilities for what has occurred.
    Additionally, the human ability to think in a logical manner to rationally explain an event or series of events is one important characteristic that separates us from animals. This ability stems from being not only able to remember past facts and events, but to actually apply those memories to future situations. The ability to learn from the past is a fundamental part of building knowledge, which allows us to advance as a civilization. If one accepts the idea that it is a grave mistake to hypothesize in cases where there is a lack of data, one of the most essential tools of learning would be taken away from us. For example, consider the situation where a human skeleton is found with absolutely no clues as to what happened to this particular person. If the investigative team is not allowed to hypothesize or make an assumption about the circumstances under which the person died, they could not make a decision on how to even begin their investigation. Should they proceed with the investigation as a homicide or a death of natural causes? Without a hypothesis, there is no guide or "roadmap" as to how to proceed, and the investigators’ work would be greatly hampered.
    It goes without saying that it is a rare situation where there is no data available to form a hypothesis on which to proceed. But even in situations where there is only a small amount of data available, a hypothesis can be an invaluable director toward the truth.

解析     文章开篇首先提出没有数据的情况十分罕见,而即使这种情况真的发生,先做推论也没有任何不当之处。第二段中借用韦氏词典中对theory一词的释义,引经据典,显得更具权威性;当然这也提醒广大考生在平时记忆单词的同时一定要关注单词的英文释义。第三段集抽象论证和具体事例为一体,恰如其分地说明了如果不进行推理就丧失了人类最基本的思考能力,同时也不利于很多丁作的开展。结尾部分简单总结,整篇文章一气呵成,不着痕迹。