
游客2023-11-26  20

问题     在考生时代,我喜欢写自己最爱写的东西;后来到了我当教师的时候,就深深地记着“己所不欲,勿施于人”的格言,我绝不伤害他们的脑筋;有时一次出二三十个题目,由他们自由去选择,或者干脆由他们自己作主,爱写什么就写什么。他们写的情书,偶然也给我修改;说真话,那比他们平时的作文写得流利多了。


答案    In my school days. I chose to write on whatever subject I liked best. Later, when I became a school teacher. I. by keeping firmly in mind the maxim "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself’. always took care not to impose on my students anything that would cause mental torture. Sometimes. I would set 20-30 subjects for them to select from. Sometimes. I would just let them decide on a subject by themselves so that they could write about anything as they pleased. Occasionally, they even let me polish up the love letters penned by themselves, which, to tell you the truth, would read much more smoothly than the compositions they usually did.
   As mentioned above, after I became a university student, there was nothing more agreeable to me than the freedom I enjoyed in writing. During this period, being poor and busy. I lived a hard life. I was so hard up that I couldn’t even afford the streetcar fare. And though I worked nonstop day and night. I still felt hard pressed for time to finish correcting papers and preparing lessons.

解析 本篇节选自谢冰莹的《我爱作文》。谢冰莹(1906—2000),湖南新化人,是我国现代杰出女作家,以丰硕的散文创作著称。她于1929年5月从上海到达北平,不久考入北京女子师范大学,《我爱作文》是她在这时期写的一篇散文。作者对当时学校作文教学的一些看法,至今仍有参考价值。我绝不伤害他们的脑筋:意为“我绝不强迫他们做伤脑筋的事”,故译为took care not to impose on my students anything that would cause mental torture.