忽然发觉,在这个世界上,最珍贵的东西是免费的。 阳光,是免费的。芸芸众生,没有谁能够离开阳光活下去;然而,从小到大,可曾有谁为自己享受过的阳光支

游客2023-11-26  18

问题     忽然发觉,在这个世界上,最珍贵的东西是免费的。


答案     It suddenly dawns on me that the most precious things in human life cost nothing!
    Sunlight is free. Who in the entire world could do without sunlight? Who has ever paid any penny for the sunlight he has enjoyed from childhood to adulthood?
    The air is free. Each person needs a continuous supply of fresh air to keep alive and kicking, but do you see anyone pay for it since the beginning of human life? Each person, whether the vendor and other ordinary person or the celebrity and the VIP, he can enjoy the air freely.
    The familial affection is free. Every baby receives the meticulous love from its parents which penetrates into blood and cells for no payback. Never hear the saying from the parents such as "You must pay for me, otherwise I will not love you" . The love from parents does not change with the children growing up, and never decay for the parents’ growing old. It will be consecutive as long as the parents stay alive.

解析 背景介绍
-  忽然发觉:  “…suddenly realize/notice…”句型用在此处未尝不可,但句型“sth.dawn on sb.”用物做主语,使译文显得更加地道。
-  芸芸众生:指一切有生命的东西,一般也用来指众多的平常人,即“common populace”。作者强调每一个人都需要阳光,这一四字格可译为“who in the entire world”。
-  无论贩夫走卒还是明星政要,他们一样自由地呼吸着充盈天地间的空气:  “走卒”指“差役”,这里可以取其上义词,即“普通百姓”,与“明星”、  “政要”形成鲜明的对比。整句可译为:  “Each person,whether the vendor and other ordinary person or the celebrity and the VIP, he can enjoy the air freely.”。
-  亲情:如译为“emotional attachment among family members”显得过于冗长,可以考虑“family”的形容词形式“familial”,  “亲情”译为“familial affection”。
-  那是一份深入血脉不求回报的疼爱:与前句连接,可以考虑使用定语从句。  “深入血脉”和“不求回报”是两个并列的成分,可译为“…which penetrates into blood and cells for no payback”。
-  你给我钱我才疼你:言下之意,你一定要付钱给我,否则,我就不疼你了,可用“otherwise”,即“You must pay for me,otherwise I will not love you.”。