What is the current time in the conversation? [br] [originaltext]Passenger: Hi,

游客2023-11-13  11

问题 What is the current time in the conversation? [br]  
Passenger: Hi, Taxi! Could you help me with these luggage? They are so heavy!
Driver: No problem! Miss, where do you want to go?
Passenger: Well, I’m going to the Rainbow Hotel, and ... Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?
Driver: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes for the average driver. I will try my best, take it easy.
Passenger: Okay. Thanks. I made my reservation before I started out, and 1 have to check in before 12 o’clock. Otherwise they will not keep my reservation.
Driver: Well, there is still 40 minutes left.
Passenger: Thank you so much!
Driver: Uh, this is your first time to the city, right?
Passenger: Yeah. How did you know?
Driver: Well, first, every citizen knows the traffic situation, and the Rainbow Hotel is so famous in our city, but you didn’t know its location.
Passenger: Oh, you are so careful. Before 1 forget, can you recommend any good restaurants that offer typical local dishes?
Driver: Umm... Well, the ShunFeng restaurant is fantastic. We often go there, the chef there is quite famous, it is said that he got his skills from his father.
Passenger: Sounds great! How do I get there from the hotel?
Driver: Well, you can catch the subway right outside the hotel. And there are taxis too, but it is really hard to call a taxi outside the hotel. This is my card, and you can call me anytime if you need a taxi.
Passenger: Okay. Thanks.

选项 A、One that is relatively inexpensive.
B、One that is not very crowded.
C、One that offers typical local food.
D、One that is situated close to the hotel.

答案 C

解析 客观细节题。在对话中我们可以直接听到“Before I forget,can you recommend any good restaurants that offer typical local dishes?”,由此可以排除其他几个选项而选C。