What happened in the end?A、Her complaint was ignored.B、The store sent her the c

游客2023-11-05  8

问题 What happened in the end?

选项 A、Her complaint was ignored.
B、The store sent her the correct order.
C、The store apologized for their mistake.
D、The store picked up the wrong items.

答案 A

解析 细节题。文章最后说到,她打电话向百货商店投诉,他们做出承诺会过来换货。但两周过去了,他们既没有过来拿需换货的物件,也没有送来订单里面其余的商品。可见,百货商店完全忽视她的投诉,只是嘴上说说而已。A为正确答案。