
游客2023-08-21  32

问题     年夜饭又称团圆饭,是农历除夕(每年最后一天)的一餐。这一天一家人团聚,准备吃团圆饭。一年一度的团圆饭表现出中华民族家庭成员的互敬互爱,这种互敬互爱使一家人之间的关系更为紧密。年夜饭的名堂很多,南北各地不同,有饺子、馄饨、长面、元宵等。北方人过年习惯吃饺子,是取新旧交替“更岁交子”的意思。又因为白面饺子形状像银元宝,吃饺子象征着新年大发财之意。新年吃馄饨,是取其开初之意。传说世界生成以前是混沌状态,盘古开天辟地,才有了宇宙四方。长面,也叫长寿面;新年吃面,是预祝寿长百年。


答案     New Year’s Eve dinner, also called family union dinner, is the dinner on the New Year’s Eve (the last day of the lunar year). On this day, families gather together and prepare for the dinner. The tradition of family union dinner reflects mutual care and support for one another in Chinese families. Such bonds make family relationships closer. The customs of New Year Eve’s dinners are varied from place to place. Traditional dishes include dumplings, wontons, longevity noodles and rice dumplings. In North China, people eat dumplings, marking the transition between the old and the new years. As the shape of dumplings looks like ingots, eating dumplings means good fortune in the New Year. Eating wontons means a new start. It’s said that there was nothing in the universe except chaos in the beginning. After Pangu created the Earth and the Sky, the universe had square lands. Long noodles are also called longevity noodles. Eating noodles represents wishes for longevity.
