在中国封建社会(feudal society),皇帝是最高统治者。秦王赢政统一中国之后,封自己为皇帝,他是中国首位皇帝。从此,中国开始了长达两千多年的专制

游客2023-08-13  41

问题    在中国封建社会(feudal society),皇帝是最高统治者。秦王赢政统一中国之后,封自己为皇帝,他是中国首位皇帝。从此,中国开始了长达两千多年的专制制度。到1912年中国最后一位皇帝溥仪退位,中国历史上共有495位皇帝。皇帝是中国中央政权的突出代表,享有最高的权力和荣誉。人们对皇帝或尊长是不能直呼或直书其名的,否则就有坐牢甚至丢脑袋的危险。皇帝的坟墓不仅占地广阔,而且封土之高如同山陵,因此帝王的坟墓被称为“陵”(mausoleum)。


答案     The emperor is the supreme ruler of the feudal society in China. After unifying China, Yingzheng, the king of Qin, proclaimed himself emperor, thus becoming the first emperor of China. Since then, China’ s autocratic system began, which lasted for more than 2,000 years. By 1912 when Pu Yi, the last emperor of China, abdicated, there had been totally 495 emperors in Chinese history. The emperor was a prominent representative of the Chinese central regime who enjoyed the highest authority and honor. People could not address or write the emperor’ s name directly, or else they would run the risk of going to jail or even losing their lives. The emperor’ s grave not only covers an expanse of land, but also has a high mound like a mountain. Therefore, the emperor’s grave is called "mausoleum".
