
游客2023-08-08  47

问题   在社交媒体快速发展的今天,一个很小的采访细节都可能被网络舆论放大而成为广受关注的公共事件。媒体自身的伦理和操守受到质疑(question)已经不是个别现象。因此,和很多社会服务领域需要不断改革和完善一样,随着时代的发展,媒体有必要建立属于自己的职业规范(occupation norm)和道德评议(moral evaluation)制度。媒体应及时发现自身存在的问题,避免报道失误,赢得公众信任,以更好地记录现实和报道新闻。


答案   Nowadays, with the rapid development of social media, a tiny detail in the interview could be greatly enlarged by the public opinion on the Internet and become a public event that draws considerable attention. It is not rare that the media are questioned in their own ethics and principles. As a result, with the development of the times, it is necessary for the media to establish their own occupation norm and moral evaluation system, just as many social service sectors need constant reform and improvement. In order to record the realities and report news better, the media should recognize their own problems in time to avoid mistakes in reports and win public trust.

解析       1.第一句中,“社交媒体”有一个比较固定的译法,即social media,“网络舆论”可译为the public opinion on the Internet。
      2.第二句中,不用逐字翻译“已经不是个别现象”,用It is not rare that…就可以完全表达出该意思。