For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled An Unf

游客2023-07-27  16

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled An Unforgettable Film Actor/Actress. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.
    1. 介绍你所难忘的一位电影演员
    2. 他(她)所扮演的一个角色给你留下深刻的印象
    3. 你从这位演员身上得到的启示


答案                        An Unforgettable Film Actress
    Are you familiar with Song Chunli, a middle-aged actress who has won many prizes in China? I appreciate her exact grasp of the character’ s emotion.
    In the film "Absence of Lei Feng", Song Chunli gave us a credible and excellent performance as the wife of Qiao Anshan. In the film, Mrs. Qiao’s strong will and amiable smile are unforgettable to me. What’s more, I was deeply impressed by one of the scenes in the film. It was Mrs. Qiao’s sincere and earnest speech that called on the masses to follow the example of honest and warm- hearted people like Lei Feng and Mr. Qiao. Song’s vivid portrayal of Mrs. Qiao comes from her personal experience and hard work.
    I am convinced that nobody can be successful without dedication. Song Chunli has won her audience because she has put all her heart and soul into the work. Thus, we should also devote ourselves to whatever we do and make our country even more powerful and prosperous.
