For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Vie

游客2023-07-25  21

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Harmonious Teacher-Student Relationship. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:


答案             My View on Harmonious Teacher-Student Relationship
    From the ancient times, ①Chinese culture has attached importance to harmony. Currently, our country endeavors to establish a harmonious society. And harmonious teacher-student relationship is part of it.
    ②In my opinion, harmonious teacher-student relationship is based on mutual respect and understanding. Teachers are not only instructors, but also guides for students’ career. They ③view students as equal individuals As for students, they are active and modest. They regard teachers as their friends. Both sides enjoy communicating with each other.
    To establish such a harmonious relationship, both sides should ④make their commitment. ⑤As for teachers, besides full devotion to teaching, they should respect students and offer help to them when necessary. As for students, apart from obeying school’s regulations, they should learn to value and respect their teachers’ hard work. A harmonious teacher-student relationship is beneficial, and it deserves our efforts.

解析     ①审题及布局。本文是一篇论说文【考频:10】。这篇作文的三个段落可以分别论述和谐师生关系的必要性、什么是和谐的师生关系和如何建立和谐的师生关系。第一段写必要性。提纲中特意提到了我国现在主张建立和谐型社会关系,和谐的师生关系当然是这其中的一部分。第二段写我心中的和谐师生关系,应该确定一些关键词,如尊重、理解等。不宜写得太散,太开,没有重点。第三段可以从老师和学生分别该怎么做展开论述,通过双方努力,构建和谐的师生关系。文章的重点段落为第二、三段。②语言。用词应准确、概括、精炼,用一般现在时即可,必要时可以使用现在完成时。
    ①从历史的角度,阐述中国一直以来就重视和谐。高分词组:attach importance to sth.“重视某事”。
    ④make commitment“承担义务”为高分表达。
    ⑤通过As for…,besides (apart from…),they should…的句型,清楚地表达了老师和学生该如何做,才能建立和谐的师生关系。