A relationship with your customer is like any relationship: It【C1】______time

游客2023-07-22  14

问题     A relationship with your customer is like any relationship: It【C1】______time to earn their trust and moments to【C2】______it. Customers want the truth, because without it they cannot make【C3】______decisions. For example, suppose you go out to dinner and the restaurant you choose has people waiting. When you put your name in, the host will tell you how long it is. If the host is doing his job, you will actually wait less than【C4】______you were told. If you are told the wait is 15 minutes and you are still waiting at the 30-minute mark, are you a happy customer? At one level, it is just【C5】______. In some cases, it could【C6】______other plans: If you miss your movie because you were not【C7】______for dinner, you really are not a happy customer.
    Unfortunately, many salespeople are【C8】______to tell the truth. They【C9】______some in formation, or share partial truths, or just plain lie. They do it in the【C10】______that customers will buy when they hear【C11】______they want to hear. It is true that customers want to hear certain things but【C12】______they are true. Let’s go back to the restaurant.【C13】______the wait is not 15minutes-it is 90 minutes. It is not what we want to hear. Still, we can decide to stay or not to stay. If we do not stay, we will be hack. But if we【C14】______told 30 minutes and it became 90, that【C15】______the last time we ate there. Sooner or later, customers al ways find out the truth. If the truth is different than what they have been told, you have lost their trust.
    Truth is【C16】______accuracy. It includes a willingness to stand behind what you say. In other words, are you willing to put your money【C17】______your mouth is? If you are working with others, part of their【C18】______is that when something goes wrong you will stand with them. If an order is delayed, for example, how will you help them【C19】______their business commitments? Part of earning their trust is having a backup plan in place should your【C20】______systems fail. [br] 【C3】

选项 A、certain

答案 B

解析 考察对段落意思和词汇含义的把握,需要在理解段落意思的基础上对于选项中词汇的含义进行比较,才能选出正确答案。前文提到客户需要我们提供真实信息,因为只有在得到了充分的真实信息之后,客户才可以做出 ______ 的决定,比较选项中的四个词语,A,certain表示确定无疑的;B,informed表示以充分掌握信息为前提基础,C,reformed和informed形似,但表示的是进行改革的含义;D,known表示众所周知的,通过比较,结合前面的含义可知,B,informed是最佳选择。