
游客2023-06-19  35

问题     旗袍(cheongsam)起源于满族妇女的民族服装,随着满汉生活的配合(integration),汉族妇女逐渐接纳了旗袍,并不断对其进行革新。旗袍的造型(shape)与妇女的体态相适合,线条简洁,优美大方。根据季节的变化和穿着者的不同需要、喜好,可长可短。并且,随着选料的不同,可展现出不同风格。如今,旗袍不仅受到我国广大女性的喜爱,也受到西方各个年龄层女士的青睐。旗袍以浓郁的民族风格体现了中华民族传统服饰的美,被国际服装界誉为“东方女装”的代表。


答案     Cheongsam originated from the Manchu women’s national costume. With the integration of Manchu and Han, cheongsam was gradually accepted by the Han women and was innovated continuously. The shape of cheongsam fits women’s body well and the line of it is simple, which makes the dress look beautiful and elegant. According to the changes of seasons and different needs and preferences of wearers, cheongsam can be made either long or short. Moreover, different styles can be exhibited due to different choices of materials. Nowadays, cheongsam is loved not only by the majority of women in China, but also by Western women of all ages. With its strong ethnic style, cheongsam reflects the beauty of traditional Chinese costume, and is hailed as the representative of "Oriental Dress for Women" by the international fashion industry.
