在当今中国,尤其是大城市,抚养孩子的费用很高。早在孩子出生前,费用的支出就开始了。在怀孕的9个月里,准妈妈平均要花8 000元左右做产前检查(prena

游客2023-06-19  31

问题     在当今中国,尤其是大城市,抚养孩子的费用很高。早在孩子出生前,费用的支出就开始了。在怀孕的9个月里,准妈妈平均要花8 000元左右做产前检查(prenatal check-up)。随着孩子的成长,许多父母的负担变得更重。从7岁到19岁这12年的学习费用和课外辅导班费用逐年增加,不是所有的中国家长都能负担得起让孩子接受良好的教育。初级教育是义务的(compulsory),但是在农村贫困地区还是有很多学生辍学。


答案     Raising children in China today costs a lot, particularly in big cities. The expenses start long before a baby is born. On average, a mother-to-be spends around 8 000 yuan on prenatal check-ups during her nine months of pregnancy. The economic burden of many parents becomes heavier with the growth of the child. As the costs of study and extracurricular classes increase year by year for the 12 years at school from the age of 7 to 19, not all parents in China can afford their children’s good education. Primary education is compulsory, but there are still a large number of dropouts in poor rural areas.
