Buying clothes Teaching aims Students can accumulate some sentence patterns,su

免费题库2022-08-02  25




解析 Buying clothes
Teaching aims
Students can accumulate some sentence patterns,such as“What size do you take?”“How much is it?”“What color do you want?”
Students can talk about the topic of buying clothes fluently in English.
Students will improve their speaking ability in talking about shopping.
Students will be more eager to express their ideas in class and more confident in speaking English after learning this lesson.
Students will build a correct attitude towards consumption.
Key and difficult points
Key points
To master some sentence patterns and know more about the topic of buying clothes.
To improve their speaking ability in the real situation.
Difficult point
To improve their confidence in expressing their ideas in English.
Teaching procedures
Step 1:Warming-up
2.Play an interesting video clip about haggling when shopping.Then ask students what happened in the video and how to ask for the price in English.
3.Lead students to have a free talk and introduce the topic of buying clothes naturally.
Step 2:Pre-speaking
1.Read the dialogue for students and ask them to find out the main idea of it.Then check the answer together and tell them the conversation is about buying clothes.
2.Ask students to find out the main aspects mentioned in the dialogue.Then invite one student to write it down on the blackboard.It includes size,price,and color.
3.Ask students to underline the sentence patterns connected with the main aspects.Then tell them the function of some key sentences.For example,the sentence“How much is it?”is used to ask for the price.And the sentences“What size do you take?”and“What color do you want?”can be used to ask for customers’needs.
4.Encourage students to do a brainstorm in groups of 4 about more aspects that can be included in their dialogue of buying clothes.Invite some volunteers to share and write their ideas on the blackboard.Provide more expressions accordingly.
Step 3:While-speaking
Set a situation that they are in a shopping mall to buy clothes.Ask students to work in pairs and make their own dialogue about buying clothes.One act as the customer and the other act as salesman.10 minutes will be given to them.Remind them to pay attention to the expressions on the backboard.Meanwhile,they need to notice the pronunciation and intonation while talking.Walk around the classroom and give guidance if necessary.
Step 4:Post-speaking
Invite three pairs to come to the front and share their dialogues with the whole class.Give some positive evaluation and correct some mistakes in their speaking.Lead them to use the correct intonation.
Step 5:Summary and Homework
Summary:ask students to recall what they’ve learned together and invite one student to be an
assistant teacher and summarize the whole lesson.Tell students to shop reasonably and buy things they need in their daily life.
Homework:have students ask about their family members’shopping experiences and share with us next class.
Blackboard design略
