Simple present tense Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students can understand

最全题库2022-08-02  17




解析 Simple present tense Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students can understand the structure and usage of simple present tense. Ability aim: Students will develop their reading abilities of getting the main idea and main structure. Emotional aim: Students can be more interested in learning English and group work. Key and difficult points: Key point: How to enable students to get familiar the key structure and usage of simple present tense. Difficult point: How to put simple present tense into daily life. Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greet with students. 2. Let students enjoy a song named Auld Lang Syne and ask them to sing together. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld lang syne? Ask students what’s this song about, and tell them this song is about friendship. And ask them what do they always do with their friends. Write down their answers on the blackboard. Step 2: Presentation 1. Discovering Invite students to read the conversation on the screen and conclude the main idea of it. The main idea is what do Simon and his family members usually do. Then they should circle the verbs and the adverbs of frequency. 2. Acquiring Introduce the simple present tense to students by these examples. The structure is “subject + present tense of the verb”. And the function is to describe the action that occurs repeatedly, especially habits or hobbies. Step 3: Practice 1. True or false Present some sentences on the screen. Q1: I always do exercises. (T) Q2: He is do his homework right now. (F) Q3: We sit here for more than 20 minutes. (F) 2. Make sentence Play a game with them named “running pen”. Give a pen to the student on the first line. They should pass the pen one by one. At the meanwhile the teacher will sing a song, when the song stops, the one who get the pen should make a sentence using the simple present tense. Step 4: Production Have a group discussion about what do their family members usually do in spare time. They will be given 5 minutes. And some process evaluation will be given during 5 minutes. After that, some groups should come to stage and show their performance. Step 5: Summary and Homework Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize what they have learned today. Homework: ask students to write down some sentences using the simple present tense. Blackboard design:
