试讲题目Where’s my white cap?

练习题库2022-08-02  8

问题 试讲题目Where’s my white cap?



解析 【教案】Where's my white cap?Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students can understand the content of the listening material.Students can be familiar with the new words such as"cap" "come"and so on.Ability aim:Students will develop their listening abilities of catching key words.Emotional aim:Students can be more interested in English and have more confidence in learning English.Key and difficult points:Key point:How to understand the listening material and key words.Difficult point:How to be more interested in English and have more confidence in learning English.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Let students enjoy a song named Getting Dressed Song and ask them to sing together. The song goes like this:I am learning to get dressed,I’ m learning what to do!This is how I put on my shirt,This is how I pull on my trousers,This is how I pull up my socks,This is how I slip on my shoes!Ask students to answer the question "How many clothes did you hear just now". Then tell them that today they will learn something about dressing and lead in the topic.Step 2: Pre-listeningShow students some clothes to present some words about clothes such as “cap” “coat” and son on and lead in the sentence pattern “Where is...?” “It’s in/on...”Do an action to express "come" “go”Show students a picture of a house, let students understand the meaning of some words about rooms such as “living room” “kitchen” and introduce the structure “Is it in/on...?” “Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.”Step 3: While-listening 1. Extensive listeningRead the passage for students and ask them to find how many people are there in the listening material.Then invite one student to answer the question. 2. Intensive listeningPlay the tape and ask students to answer two questions:Q1: Whose white hat is lost?Q2: Where is the white hat?Then write these two questions on the blackboard. And tell students when they want to ask if something is in a certain location, they can use "Is it in...?", and the positive response is "Yes, it is.", the negative response is "No, it isn't."Step 4: Post-listeningAsk students to have a dialogue with their deskmates, one imagine something's location, and the other should guess where it is. 5 minutes are given for preparation. Then invite some groups to share.Step 5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson. Ask students to take good care of their belongings.Homework: ask students to design a poster of their room.Blackboard design:
