大学与就业 金贾尔-布塔妮似乎运气不错,她目前在全球经济最热的国家的金融之都研读商业。但是,在孟买一所二流高校上学的她,对春天毕业时分享印度经济

游客2025-02-03  2

问题     大学与就业


答案     Universities and Employment
    It would seem a good time for Kinjal Bhuptani. She is a college student studying business in the financial capital of one of the hottest economies on earth. But she has no illusions of sharing in India’s (economic) prosperity when she graduates from a second-rate college in Mumbai this spring. While graduates/ those from best-known universities find/ land $ 100, 000-a-year jobs at Goldman Sachs and Microsoft, she is more likely to make $ 4 a day (by) selling credit cards door to door (from door to door).
    Bhuptani’s mistake, if you can call it that (if any), was not getting into one of India’s most famous/ privileged/ elite/ selected universities like the Indian Institute of Management or Indian Institute of Technology. Those (who are) admitted go on to enjoy well-paid jobs/ handsome paychecks on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, and to join some of the world’s largest companies.
    In the shadow of (Dwarfed by) those famous institutions, of the 11 million students in the 18, 000 colleges and universities in India, most receive inferior training, heavy on obedience/ obeisance and light on marketable skills, students, educators and business leaders say.
    The problem, experts say, lies in (rests with) a classroom environment that treats more than 20-year-old students as babies (infantilizes students well into their mid-20s), emphasizing silent note-taking and discipline at the expense of analysis, debate and persuasion.
