
游客2025-02-03  4

问题     不冲突、不对抗,是构建中美新型大国关系的必要前提。有研究显示,历史上有过15次新兴大国的崛起,其中有11次与既有大国之间发生了对抗和战争。但现在的世界己今非昔比,中美之间乃至全球各国之间已是日趋紧密的利益共同体,对抗将是双输,战争没有出路。不冲突、不对抗,就是要顺应全球化潮流,改变对中美关系的负面预期,解决两国之间的战略互不信,构建对中美关系前景的正面信心。


答案    No conflict or confrontation is the prerequisite for building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States. According to some studies, there have been 15 cases of rise of emerging powers in the world history. In 11 of them, confrontation and war broke out between the emerging and the established powers. However, we now live in a different world. China and the United States, and in fact all countries in the world, are part of a community of shared interests with closing ties. Therefore, neither of us will benefit from confrontation, and war will lead us nowhere. No conflict or confrontation means that we need to follow the trend of globalization, change the negative expectations of China-U.S. relations, address strategic distrust and build confidence in the future of China-U.S. relations.
   Mutual respect is a basic principle for this new model. We live in a world of great diversity. As two major countries which are different in social system, history and culture, China and the United States are connected by intertwined interests, so mutual respect is all the more important. Only by respecting each other’s systems and the development paths chosen by their people, and respecting each other’s core interests and concerns can the two countries seek common ground while setting aside differences and, on that basis, expand common ground and resolve differences, and achieve harmony in their relations.
   Win-win cooperation is the sure way to build this new relationship. There is an enormous need and vast potential for boosting bilateral cooperation in all fields. In addition, issues in the world ranging from counterterrorism, cyber security and nuclear non-proliferation to climate change, and from peace in the Middle East to Africa’s development, cannot be resolved without the participation and cooperation of both China and the Untied States.

解析 1.不冲突、不对抗,是构建中美新型大国关系的必要前提。No conflict or confrontation is the prerequisite for building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States.
  分析  专有名词类
  本句中“新型大国关系”是指以相互尊重、合作共赢的合作伙伴关系为核心特征的大国关系,是崛起国和既成大国之间处理冲突和矛盾的新方式。2012年5月3日,在北京召开的中美战略与经济对话期间,双方将构建中美“新型大国关系”作为主题,这一概念被高调推出。“新型大国关系”一词被中方外事译员统一译为a new model of major-country relationship,而当时美国政府和主流媒体则将之译为a new type of major power relationship或a new type of great power relations。美国智库习惯用great powers来表达“大国”概念,而其在中文里通常被译为强国甚至强权。在中国,大多数人并不认为中国现在已经成为世界强国,更不认同强权政治。外交部采用major country译法对“大国”二字赋予了不同的政治内涵,旨在表明中美不走大国对抗的老路。
2.不冲突、不对抗,就是要顺应全球化潮流,改变对中美关系的负面预期,解决两国之间的战略互不信,构建对中美关系前景的正面信心。No conflict or confrontation means that we need to follow the trend of globalization,change the negative expectations of China-U.S.relations,address strategic distrust and build confidence in the future of China-U.S relations.
  分析  增词减词类
3.世界是多样的,中美作为两个社会制度不同、历史文化背景各异,同时又利益相互交织的大国,相互尊重就显得尤为重要。We live in a world of great diversity.As two major countries which are different in social system,history and culture,China and the United States are connected by intertwined interests,so mutual respect is all the more important.
  分析  句子结构类
4.此外,环顾当今世界,从反恐到网络安全,从核不扩散到气候变化,从中东和平到非洲发展,也都离不开中美两国的共同参与与合作。In addition,issues in the world ranging from counterterrorism,cyber security and nuclear non-proliferation to climate change,and from peace in the Middle East to Africa’s development,cannot be resolved without the participation and coopermion of both China and the Untied States.
  分析  增词减词类
  本句中“环顾当今世界”是新闻语体文章中常见的表达,翻译时应根据上下文提取其核心意思“世界(时事/事件)”,增译issues作为本句主语,减译“环顾”二字,并采用双重否定句式,将“离不开”译为cannot be resolved without,既能呼应本句逻辑主语,又能准确传达“离不开”的内涵所在。