女士们、先生们: 中国经济发展是本次会议的重要议题。这里,我向大家简要介绍发展着的中国的一些情况,再说说未来十年里中国的发展蓝图。 中国实行改革

游客2025-01-28  2

问题 女士们、先生们:


答案     Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Since China’s economic development is high on the meeting’s agenda, I wish to tell you about the progress in China’s development endeavors and China’s blueprint for the next decade.
    Since it embarked on the path of reform and opening-up, China has seen profound economic and social changes. China has succeeded in transforming itself from a closed and semi-closed planned economy into an open socialist market economy. There has been a great change in the life of the Chinese people, from lack of basic living necessities to moderate prosperity within a certain range. China has also made important progress in political, cultural and social reforms and remarkable achievements in its modernization drive. These achievements are possible because we have embarked on a correct path of development that is suited to China’s particular conditions and is in keeping with the trend of the times.
    China’s economy is on the whole in good shape, marked by sustained and fast economic growth, sound financial performance, growing trade, and rising living standards. Will such development momentum continue in the next decade? My answer is yes.
    China’s 13th Five-Year Plan highlights five key development concepts, namely, innovation, balanced growth, a green economy, opening-up, and inclusive development. This five-year plan will mark the beginning of China’s new journey of economic transition and upgrading. Structural reform will continue and the goal is to base growth on innovation, open up more space for growth through coordinated development and translate the ideas of green growth into concrete actions. China will improve the strategic layout of opening-up and bring moderate prosperity to everyone at home.
    The next decade will see China making a greater contribution to the common development of the world. China’s development has benefited much from the world and so has the world economy from China’s growth. Since the global financial crisis, China has taken upon itself to drive the world economy when growth was needed most. In the coming years, China will continue to be the powerhouse for global growth as it adheres to all-round opening up and integrates itself more deeply into the world economy.
    The "Belt and Road" initiative is one way to achieve this. "Amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness" are the principles that China upholds as it moves ahead with the "Belt and Road" initiative. The ’ Belt and Road’ will be a massive economic belt that links up the Asia-Pacific in the East with Europe in the West, and strings up emerging economies. It is unprecedented in its span and coverage. It will become a new source of global growth and will create more opportunities and benefits for the common development of the world.
    Despite the difficulties, risks and challenges on our way ahead, we have the confidence, capability and means to surmount them and advance the modernization drive. China’s development has a bright prospect.
