Urban Infrastructure UpgradingVocabulary and Expressionsdaunting slum up
Urban Infrastructure UpgradingVocabulary and Expressionsdaunting slum up
Urban Infrastructure Upgrading
Vocabulary and Expressions
daunting slum upgrading Jamaica fiscal stimulus package
informality World Bank programs drainage [br] Why does the speaker mention the examples of Jamaica and Brazil?
Urban Infrastructure Upgrading
The infrastructure needs that go along with urbanization can be enormous in terms of investments in housing, water and sanitation, transportation, electricity, and telecommunications. Many cities have not been able to keep up, and face daunting challenges for the future projected increases in urbanization. Providing universal coverage for water and sanitation services alone in the cities of developing countries is estimated to cost nearly 5 percent of those countries’ GDP.
The problems of accessing infrastructure and services are particularly acute for the urban poor. While access rates for basic services such as water, sanitation and electricity are typically higher in urban areas than rural, these numbers mask what is happening for the urban poor where access can be extremely low, unaffordable, and of inadequate quality. Governments, utilities, and service providers are often reluctant to operate in slums because of the informality and illegality of such settlements. This gap is then filled by informal service providers offering more expensive services. Ultimately, the urban poor end up paying substantially more than the non-poor for their services.
Among the programs aimed at the urban poor, overall, slum upgrading is probably the most common. Slum upgrading programs typically focus on the provision of infrastructure (water and sanitation, waste management, electricity, roads). Some of the more recent World Bank programs which combine investments in basic infrastructure with social programs show much promise for addressing the complex, multidimensional nature of urban poverty. For example a program in Jamaica combines micro-finance, land tenure regularization, crime and violence prevention programs with physical upgrading to improve access to water, sewage, solid waste, electricity, roads, drainage and related community infrastructure. In Brazil, investments in social infrastructure for day care, youth training, and health care are combined with physical upgrading of slums.
The current financial crisis provides an important opportunity for investing in the provision of basic infrastructure and services in slums as countries design fiscal stimulus packages. With the emerging negative impacts of the crisis on the urban poor, upgrading activities can generate employment particularly for this vulnerable group, while creating lasting assets which are much in need.
A、To illustrate the combination of investments in basic infrastructure with social programs.
B、To illustrate the lack of basic infrastructure in these two countries.
C、To illustrate that urban poverty is most acute in these two countries.
D、To illustrate that the basic infrastructure is advanced in these two countries.
根据原文“Some of the more recent World Bank programs which combine investments in basic infrastructure with social programs show much promise for addressing the complex,multidimensional nature of urban poverty.For example a program in Jamaica combines micro-finance…In Brazil,investments in social infrastructure for day care,youth training,and health care are combined with physical upgrading of slums”可知,举例中提及牙买加和巴西是为了说明基础设施投资与社会项目相结合的作用,因此选项A正确。
月经周期中导致子宫内膜不规则脱落的直接发病机制是A.黄体过早衰退 B.内膜持续
湿浊阻滞的常见病位是A.上焦心肺 B.中焦脾胃 C.下焦肝肾 D.卫分
《内经》所谓“万物之上下”,是指A.天地 B.男女 C.左右 D.水火
湿邪致病,症见胸闷脘痞,小便短涩,大便不爽,是由于A.湿性重浊,困阻阳气 B.
求助者一般资料:王某,女,33岁,外企人力资源部经理,研究生,未婚。 求助者主
在无人值守的光缆中继站、微波中继站、移动通信基站,通常采用()。A.集中 B.