What did overweight dogs do after the two bowls of food were placed in front of

游客2025-01-25  3

问题 What did overweight dogs do after the two bowls of food were placed in front of them?
Two bowls of food were placed in front of overweight dogs, one with a more appealing meal and the other empty or containing food they did not like as much. Hungarian researchers found that normal weight dogs continue to obey instructions to look for a second bowl for food while the obese animals refused after a few rounds. The results were surprising since the researchers had expected the overweight dogs to do anything for food.
    We expected that the overweight dogs would see a neutral situation positively too, and that they would expect the pot to contain food no matter how much energy required for them. The main thing is to find some food but in this test we saw the opposite. The overweight dogs took a negative view and did not expect to find food in the neutral place.
    This means, the researchers say, that the overweight canines tried to maximize their food intake from the higher quality food and hesitated to do the task when the food reward was uncertain. Our explanation for this is that they go for the sure thing.
    If the situation is uncertain and they cannot find food, then they are unwilling to invest energy in searching for it; for them the main thing is to find the right food with the least energy. This is where we can draw a parallel with human obesity where food rewards and a negative psychological state are behind obesity.
    So dogs which share our living environment may be good standings for scientists studying the causes and consequences of obesity. They have very similar social cognitive capacity to humans. So for dogs and many humans good food is a reward worth waiting for.

选项 A、They continued to obey instructions to look for a second bowl for food.
B、They refused after a few rounds.
C、They howled for more.
D、They attacked the bowls.

答案 B

解析 研究人员把两个碗放在超重犬面前,一个里面盛着可口的食物,一个是空的或者盛着不太可口的食物,想看看它们的反应。结果,研究人员发现,体重正常的犬吃完那碗可口的食物后会继续寻找第二碗,而超重犬吃完第一碗后转几圈就走了。这一点和选项B一致,因此,答案是B。这里要注意的是,问题里用的是overweight dogs,原文里用的是obese animals。根据上下文,animals指的就是dogs,这个很简单。但是,obese这个单词未必每位考生都认识。然而,可以从标题和文章其他部分中得到启示。标题里用的是fat,文章中很多地方用的是overweight,所以,不难看出,obese的意思就是fat或者overweight。