
游客2025-01-01  5

问题 窗子许里面人看出去,同时也许外面人看进来,所以在热闹地方住的人要用窗帘儿,替他们的私生活做个保障。晚上访人,只要看窗里有无灯光,就约略可以猜到主人在不在家,不必打开了门再问,好比不等人开口,从眼睛里看出他的心思。关窗的作用等于闭眼。天地间有许多景象是要闭了眼才看得见的,比如梦。假使窗外的人声物态太嘈杂了,关了窗好让灵魂自由地去探胜,安静地默想。


答案 A window likewise allows those who are inside to see outside, and also allows outsiders to see inside. That is why those who live in hustling areas need to draw their curtains to protect their privacy. When visiting friends at night, there’s no need to wait until the door is opened to ask ff they’re there — you can tell that by the light inside the window. Similarly, you don’t need to wait for a man to open his mouth to work out what’s on his mind — you can see that from his eyes. Shutting a window works in the same way as closing one’s eyes. There are many things that can be seen only with the eyes closed, dreams, for instance. If outside there is too much noise and excitement, closing the window will make it easier for the soul to engage in free exploration and quiet contemplation.
