
游客2024-12-22  8

问题     在2002年4月中旬举行的博鳌亚洲论坛首届年会上,竹竿舞备受青睐。众多与会嘉宾政要在开会之余,与姑娘小伙共跳竹竿舞,成为年会上一道亮丽的风景。


答案     At the first annual conference of the Bo’ao Forum for Asia held in mid April, 2002, the bamboo dance became a hot sideshow. Many distinguished and top-rank participants took such a fancy to the game that they joined the boys and girls in the dance.
    The bamboo dance originates from Li people’s memorial ceremonies for their ancestors several hundred years ago. They used to have a grand celebration for a bumper harvest, when they would dress themselves in bright clothes, cook newly collected rice, brew rice wine, and kill domestic fowl and animals as offerings for gods and their forefathers-After a big dinner, they would gather at mountain slopes for the bamboo dance. Around the bonfires and at the rhythmic and musical sound of the bamboo poles knocking, they danced merrily and anticipated another good harvest the following year.
    The game starting on the first day of spring would last fifteen days till the Lantern Festival. During the period the villages, lit up with bonfires every evening with people dancing and dancing, were immersed in a festival atmosphere.
    As the traditional exercise evolves with time, it is more of a body-building gymnastic dance than part of a rite. The old practice in which women only played the role of pole knocking when men were dancing is replaced by the one when both are mixed in the knocking and dancing. The exercise also offers opportunities for the young people to find their lovers.

解析     这段文字介绍了黎族人民喜闻乐见的一种传统体育活动——跳竹竿。跳竹竿,早年是男子跳,女子扶竿击节,后来发展成男女都能跳。竹竿舞又叫“打柴舞”,击竿者时而蹲,时而坐,时而跪,时而站,使竹竿有高低变化。在有节奏、有规律的碰击声里,跳舞者要在竹竿分合的瞬间,不但要敏捷地进退跳跃,而且要潇洒自然地做各种优美的动作。谁反应稍慢,脚踝或腰腿就会被夹住。被夹者在大伙善意的哄笑中被竹竿夹抬着请出场外。谁能坚持到最后,闯过跪、蹲、站三关,谁就被当作优胜者,坐在竹竿上被高高抬起,接受欢呼与祝贺。
博鳌亚洲论坛首届年会上:区分中英文排序的差异,英文先说“the first annual conference”(首届年会),故译为“At the first conference of the Bo’ao Forum for Asia”。博鳌位于中国海南省,一地名,直接采用音译法。
与会嘉宾政要:指重要的与会者,译成“distinguished and top-rank participants”。
“跳竹竿”原是黎族一种古老的祭祀方式:  “原是……”即“源于……”。联系上下文,  “古老”实为几百年之前的习俗。故译为“The bamboo dance originates from Li people’s memorial ceremonies for their ancestors several hundred years ago.”。
酿造糯米酒:译为“brew rice wine”,其中“糯米酒”指用米酿造的酒。
祭祀祖宗和神灵:译作“offerings for gods and their forefathers”,其中“offering”表示“a contribution or gift,especially one made at a religious service(供品;祭品)”。
竹声叮咚:指击竿的声音此起彼伏,颇有节奏感,故译为“at the rhythmic and musical sound of the bamboo poles knocking”。
从开春之日起,直至元宵:  “元宵”是中国特有的节日,对外国友人可能比较陌生,翻译时可以适当给予解释说明,如译为“starting on the first day of spring would last fifteen days till the Lantern Festival”。
几乎夜夜篝火通明:意为篝火把村庄照得通明,译为“Iit up with bonfires every evening”。
热烈气氛充溢着山坡村寨:此处的“热烈气氛”指喜悦的节日气氛,故译为“the villages…were immersed in a festival atmosphere”。
随着时代的变迁“跳竹竿”习俗在黎族中逐渐流传演变,如今……逐渐消失,已成为……:原句看似很长,但仔细分析,不难发现汉译英时可以使用比较的句式,即“more…than…(与其说……不如说……)”,故译为“As the traditional exercise evolves with time,it is more of a body—building gymnastic dance than part of a rite.”。
女打男跳:指男子跳,女子扶竿击节,即“women only played the role of pole knocking when men were dancing”。
小小竹竿为青年男女架设起了“鹊桥”:  “鹊桥”带有浓郁的中国文化色彩,可以进行意译,  “架设起了‘鹊桥’”表示“提供机会找到心爱之人”,译为“The exercise also offers opportunities for the young people to find their lovers.”。