
游客2024-12-12  5

问题     “跳竹竿”原是黎族一种古老的祭祀方式。数百年前,当黎家人经过辛勤耕作换得新谷归仓时,村里男女老少就会穿上节日盛装,家家户户炊制新米饭,酿造糯米酒,宰杀禽畜,祭祀祖宗和神灵。酒酣饭饱后,众人就会来到山坡上,点燃篝火,跳起竹竿舞。竹声叮咚,庆祝稻谷丰登,祝愿来年有更好的收成。“跳竹竿”每年从开春之日起,直至元宵,几乎夜夜篝火通明,欢跳不息,热烈气氛充溢着山坡村寨。


答案     The bamboo dance originates from Li people’s memorial ceremonies for their ancestors several hundred years ago. They used to have a grand celebration for a bumper harvest, when they would dress themselves in bright clothes, cook newly collected rice, brew rice wine, and kill domestic fowl and animals as offering for gods and their forefathers. After a big dinner, they would gather at mountain slopes for the bamboo dance. Around the bonfires and at the rhythmic and musical sound of the bamboo poles knocking, they danced merrily and anticipated another good harvest the following year. The game starting on the first day of spring would last fifteen days till the Lantern Festival. During the period the villages, lit up with bonfires every evening with people dancing and dancing, were immersed in a festival atmosphere.

解析 1、原文中包含大量的文化特色词汇,需要在理解原文内涵意义的基础上,使用恰当的策略对其进行处理,如意译或音译加解释的方法等。本段“数百年前”标志时间,当用一般过去时进行翻译。
2、第1句的“祭祀”意为置备供品对神佛或祖先行礼,“方式”按“仪式”解,故“祭祀方式”可译为memorial ceremonies for their ancestors或a ritual in memory of theirancestors。
3、第3句的“酒酣饭饱”简译为a big dinner,也可译为be fully satisfied with drinksand food。
4、第4句的“竹声叮咚”按“竹竿敲击的声音很有音乐的节奏感”译为the rhythmic andmusical sound of the bamboo poles knocking。
5、第5句的“从开春之日起,直至元宵”指从正月初一直至“元宵节”(正月十五),故增译了last fifteen days。