
游客2024-11-22  8

问题     但是比较起冬天来呢,我却又偏爱了秋。是的,就是现在,我觉得现在正合了我的歌子的节奏。我几乎说不出秋比冬为什么更好,也许因为那枝头的几片黄叶,或是那篱畔的几朵残花,在那些上边,是比较冬天更显示了生命,不然,是在那些上面,更使我忆起了生命吧,一只黄叶,一片残英:那在联系着过去与将来吧。它们将更使人凝视,更使人沉思:更使人怀想及希冀一些关于生活的事吧。这样,人曾感到了真实的存在。过去,现在,将来,世界是真实的,人生是真实的,一切都是真实的,所有的梦境,所有的幻想,都是无用的了,无用的事物都一幕幕地掣了过去,我们要向着人生静默,祈祷,来打算一些真实的事物了。


答案     Yes, it is just now! This season is just toned in harmony with the rhythm of my song. I could hardly figure out the reason why autumn is better than winter. Perhaps because those several yellow leaves clinging onto the branches, or a few withered flowers by the fence, both displaying the sign of life, which you cannot expect of winter: or perhaps they are more likely to remind me of life than winter is. It is a yellow leaf and a withered flower that are connecting the past and the future. They make you gaze at them, reflect upon them, and they may even bring past memories to mind and give you hope for the future life. In this way, we can feel the reality of existence.

解析 1.画线部分第一句“我觉得现在正合了我的歌子的节奏”中的“现在”实际指的是“秋天”。“正合了……的节奏”可以翻译为is just toned in harmony withthe rhythm of…。
2.画线部分第二句由若干个小分句组成,所以翻译时要注意断句,可以处理为几个短句。其中“在那些上边”“是在那些上面”在上下文中没有实际的意义,可以略去不译。“是比较冬天更显示了生命”和“更使我忆起了生命吧”,翻译时要注意把与冬天的比较译出来。“残花”可以翻译为a witheredflower。