破碎的事物就这样印满了重重叠叠的生命的影迹,那么沉厚,那么绰约,却那么美丽。同样,很残忍的,我相信破碎的灵魂才最美丽。 我喜欢看人痛哭失声,喜欢

游客2024-11-22  10

问题     破碎的事物就这样印满了重重叠叠的生命的影迹,那么沉厚,那么绰约,却那么美丽。同样,很残忍的,我相信破碎的灵魂才最美丽。


答案     I like to watch people crying, to hear people roaring, and to see people getting drunk and spitting out past events buried in the bottom of their hearts. I like quiet people chattering about their sufferings, cheerful people becoming upset and frustrated suddenly, old people recollecting their past youth, and proud people confessing to missing their love. I like stars smiling sadly when falling into disfavor, heroes looking reluctantly back upon the past when being old, officials enjoying their leisure time alone when becoming frustrated, and beauties grieving in front of the mirror when passing their prime. I like people digging out what hurt them the most when they are vulnerable and defenseless, and then trembling, crying, leaving their hearts bleeding.

解析     本部分材料节选自青年女作家乔叶的抒情散文《破碎的美丽》。作者心思细腻,善良敏感,从破碎中看到自然与人生的美丽。画线部分有四句,是排比结构。翻译时首先要合理安排句式,将原文的气势译出。另外,还要注意一些表达的内在含义,不能只按照字面意思翻译。
1.画线部分第一句中有三个“喜欢……”的并列结构,可以用like to watch…,to hear…,and to see…三个并列的不定式短语译出。其中翻译“埋在心底发酵的往事”时不需要按照字面意思把“发酵”译出,因为英语里没有这种常用的比喻。
3.画线部分第二句中的“素日沉静安然的人”可以翻译为quiet people;“发黄的青春”一定不能译为yellow youth,英语中没有这种比喻性的表达;“忏悔错过的爱情”可以翻译成confessing to missingtheir love,注意其中的to是介词,后面要接动名词。
4.画线部分第三句中“官场失意者独品清茶”,“品清茶”在此只是一种打比方的说法,不需要译成drinktea,可以意译为enjoying their leisure time。