
游客2024-11-08  14

问题     浙江钱塘江河口的涌潮,自古蔚为天下奇观。它是大自然赋予的神奇景象。由于天体引力和地球离心作用,每逢农历初一至初五,十五至三十,天体引潮力特别强,易形成大潮;农历八月十八日的大潮尤为壮观。而杭州湾喇叭口的地形特殊,海湾水域广阔,但河口狭窄,加之河床泥沙阻挡,易使潮流能量集中,江潮迅速猛涨,流速加快,涌潮现象频频发生。钱江涌潮,一年四季,周而复始。全年共有120天的“观潮日”。每天有日、夜两潮,尤以秋潮为佳。每当大潮来时,开始远处呈现一条白线,声如闷雷。数分钟之后,白线向前推移;继而巨浪汹涌澎湃,如万马奔腾,潮声震天动地,真有翻江倒海之势,最高潮差达8.93米。钱塘江涌潮举世无双,其奇、其高可与亚马孙河媲美,被誉为“世界八大奇观”之一。


答案    At this time, the moon and the sun exert the greatest pull on the ocean at the mouth ofi the Qiantang River. The bore is at its most spectacular every September on the eighteenth day of the lunar calendar’s eighth month. The river’s special physical features account for this remarkable natural phenomenon. Its outlet to the ocean. Hangzhou Bay, is extremely wide, shaped like a large trumpet. When the sea tide rises, it brings with it a huge amount of water, pushing inland at a great speed. However, the river narrows abruptly at this point. This, together with the river’s sandy bed, prevents the water’s smooth progress. As waves follow one after the other, the tide surges and creates a gigantic wall of tidal water, the so-called "tidal bore". The tidal bore operates in a cycle: in one year, there are 120 days on which it is good to watch the bore. Moreover, there are two tides per day, the day tide and the night tide. The tides are greatest in autumn, the most spectacular time to view it. On the September day when the greatest tidal bore first appears, it is shaped like a long, white streak, and one hears a sound like muffled thunder in the distance.

解析 这是一篇介绍著名的钱塘江潮的短文,属于“实用性文体”(Pragmatic Texts)”。这类文章以内容为中心,以读者为中心,以传达信息为主要目的。因此,翻译这类文章的原则也应以内容为中心,以读者为中心。信息传递一定要正确,译文要让读者乐于阅读。汉英两种语言在文体和表达方式上有很大的差异,如本文对钱塘江潮的各种描写以及其中的种种比喻,在中文中读起来可能很美,但如果照字面翻译,有些说法在英语里会显得十分突兀,更不必说是否合乎英语的习惯表达方式了。
1. 由于天体引力和地球离心作用:如果照字面直译,大致可译成——Owing to the attraction of celestial bodies and the centrifugal force of the earth,…这样的译文让人读来觉得是科普文章。参考译文改写At this time,the moon and the sun exert the greatest pull on the ocean at the mouth of the Qiantang River.来表达原文的意思,与原文的描写文体相适应。
2. “而杭州湾喇叭口的地形特殊,海湾水域广阔,但河口狭窄,加之河床泥沙阻挡,易使潮流能量集中,江潮迅速猛涨,流速加快,涌潮现象频频发生。”这一句翻译时,需要考生先理解原文,然后根据英语的行文要求进行结构调整,并略作补充:The river’s special physical features account for this remarkable natural phenomenon.Its outlet to the ocean,Hangzhou Bay, is extremely wide,shaped like a large trumpet.When the sea tide rises,it brings with it a huge amount of water, pushing inland at a great speed.However, the river narrows abruptly at this point.This,together with the river’s sandy bed,prevents the water’s smooth progress.As waves follow one after the other,the tide surges and creates a gigantic wall of tidal water, the so-called“tidal bore”,原文对形成钱塘江潮的地势特征描述非常简练,译文如按照原文翻译,可能难以充分说明。如果把英语回译成汉语,大致意思如下:“钱塘江的地势特殊,是形成这一自然奇观的原因。”这一句是总的概括,下面再仔细叙述:“钱塘江出口杭州湾非常宽阔,但呈喇叭形,海潮来临时,大量的海水以极大的流速涌入江里。而河口突然变窄,加之河底泥沙阻挡,海水难以通过。但后浪追前浪,浪头重叠,犹如一堵高高的水墙,俗称‘涌潮’。”