
游客2024-11-06  10

问题     翠翠一天比一天大了,无意中提到什么时会红脸了。时间在成长她,似乎正催促她,使她在另外一件事情上负点儿责。她欢喜看扑粉满脸的新嫁娘,欢喜说到关于新嫁娘的故事,欢喜把野花戴到头上去,还欢喜听人唱歌。茶峒人的歌声,缠绵处她已领略得出。她有时仿佛孤独了一点,爱坐在岩石上去,向天空一起云一颗星凝眸。


答案     Emerald is no longer a child. The slightest thoughtless remark sets her blushing. Time is ripening her, filling her heart with a new hunger. She loves to see young brides, painted and powdered, to repeat stories about them, to wear wild flowers in her hair, to listen to songs—already she thrills to the plaintive Chatong serenades. Sometimes, as if disinclined for company, she sits all alone on a rock staring raptly at a cloud or star in the sky.

解析 背景介绍
-  无意中提到什么时会红脸了:由于英语表达与汉语不同,英语中更多使用名词性短语,因此“无意中提到什么”翻译时可以将其译成“the slightest thoughtless remark”,更符合英语的表达方式。这句可以译为:The slightest thoughtless remark sets her blushing.Time is ripening her.
-  时间在成长她,似乎正催促她,使她在另外一件事情上负点儿责:建议考生重新调整句子结构,非谓语从句“filling her heart with a new hunger”运用意译的手法,使前后句的逻辑关系更连贯。译为:Time is ripening her,filling her heart with a new hunger.
-  她欢喜看扑粉满脸的新嫁娘……还欢喜听人唱歌:“欢喜说到关于新嫁娘的故事”,此处“说”可译为“talk about”,但不及“repeat”一词来得妙,体现了翠翠对此的热衷。参考译文:She loves to see young brides,painted and powdered,to repeat stories about them,to wear wild flowers in her hair, to listen to songs.
-  茶峒人的歌声,缠绵处她已领略得出:  “领略”此处可译为“appreciate”或“taste of”,也可以倒置原文的主、谓语,运用“thrill”一词,更恰如其分地展现茶峒人歌声的美妙缠绵。
-  她有时仿佛孤独了一点,爱坐在岩石上去,向天空一起云一颗星凝眸:“仿佛孤独了一点”表示不愿意与许多人在一起,可以正话反说,译为“as if disinclined for company”。建议考生积累一组类似的表达方式。此次也可增译“all”一词,强调翠翠的孤独。整句可以译为“Sometimes,as if disinclined for company,she sits all alone on a rock staring raptly at a cloud or star in the sky.”