
游客2024-11-06  10

问题     张大千是丹青巨匠,在当世与齐白石并称“南张北齐”。徐悲鸿对他更是推崇:“张大千,五百年来第一人。”20世纪50年代,张大千游历世界,获得巨大的国际声誉,被西方艺坛赞为“东方之笔”。少有人知的是,丹青圣手张大干也是赫赫有名的美食大家,而且是厨界高手。张大千既爱吃,又懂吃,这两条是判断美食家的重要标准。


答案 Zhang Daqian is a famous Chinese painter. He and Qi Baishi, also an influential Chinese painter, are honored with the title "Zhang in the South, Qi in the North" meaning the best two Chinese painters of the time. Xu Beihong, a modern Chinese master of fine arts, had given high praise of Zhang, saying that he is the best painter in the recent five hundred years. Zhang traveled around the world in 1950s, which gained him a great reputation with the title of "the best painter in eastern countries" in the western art world. However, seldom had people known before that this master of art also has strong interest in food, and knows a lot about it. These two points are critical for justifying him as a gourmet.

解析 1.第一句由两个小分句构成,第一个分句的主语是“张大千”,第二个分句的主语是“张大干与齐白石”,两个分句的主语不同,因此译成两个独立的句子。其中第二个分句暗含被动义,翻译时译为被动句。“丹青巨匠”意思是有名的画家,可以译为famous/well—renowned/well—known Chinese painter;“并称”可以译为A and B are honored with/known as;“南张北齐”不能音译为Nan Zhang Bei Qi,而应意译为Zhang in the South,Qi in the North,增译meaning the best two Chinese painters of the time进一步解释。
2.第二句有两种译法。第一种译法:把句中的冒号看作逗号,构成由两个分句组成的一个句子,即“徐悲鸿对他更是推崇,(认为)张大干(是)五百年来第一人”,前半部分作为主句,谓语为“推崇”,译为give high praise of,后半部分为非谓语形式,译为saving that…。第二种译法:把原文看作一个句子,可以理解为“徐悲鸿推崇张大干为五百年来第一人”,“推崇……为”可译为praise…as;“徐悲鸿”译为Xu Beihong,考虑到读者可能对徐悲鸿不太了解,因此在其后增译a modern Chinese master of fine arts对其进行简单的介绍。因此,第二种译法为Xu Beihong,a modern Chinese master of fine arts,once praised Zhang as the best painter in the recent five hundred years。
3.第三句有四个小分句,首先理清各个分句之间的关系。仔细研读原文可知,“20世纪50年代”为时间状语,可直接译为in 1950s,接着分析后面三个分句,确定每个分句的谓语,判断哪个动词重要,哪个次重要,哪个不重要。可根据动词的先后顺序来判断其重要性。研读三个分句可知,谓语分别为“游历”“获得”“被赞为”,根据动词的先后顺序,我们可以得知最重要的动词为“游历”,其次是“获得”,最后是“被赞为”。因此,“游历”作为主句的核心谓语,“获得……”用which引导一个从句,“被赞为”使用介词with来表达。“游历世界”译为travel around the world;“东方之笔”译为“the best painter in eastern countries”;“西方艺坛”译为the western art world。
4.第四句由三个小分句组成,仔细分析各分句之间的关系可以发现,第一个分句为主句,后面两个分句为宾语从句,且为并列关系,可用连接词and连接。此句的翻译难点在于“美食大家”和“厨界高手”这些词汇的翻译。考试遇到这样的词汇,可以采用意译法翻译。根据上下文可知,这里的“美食大家”和“厨界高手”意指“喜爱美食”和“了解美食”,因此分别意译为have strong interest in food和know a lot about food。
5.仔细研读最后一句可知,这句话中的“这”指代的是张大干的“爱吃和懂吃”,与上一句中的“美食大家”和“厨界高手”表达同样的意思,因此可以用代词These two points来指代上一句中提到的内容,使得句子之间的衔接更紧密,同时也避免了内容上的重复哕嗦。“重要标准”可以译为are critical for。