
游客2024-11-05  12

问题 你是否觉得劳生草草,身心两乏?我劝你工余之暇,常到小巷里走走,那是最好的将息,会使你消除疲劳,紧张的心弦得到调整。你如果有时情绪烦燥,心情悒郁,我劝你到小巷里负手行吟一阵,你一定会豁然开朗,怡然自得,物我两忘。你有爱人吗?我建议不要带她去什么名园胜景,还是利用晨昏时节,到深巷中散散步。在那里,你们俩可以随便谈谈,心贴得更近,在街上那种贪婪的睨视,恶意的斜觑,巷里是没有的;偶然呀的一声,墙门口显现出一个人影,又往往是深居简出的姑娘,看见你们,会娇羞地返身回避了。


答案 Aren’t you weighed down with cares in this life of hard toil and exhausted physically and mentally? I would like to advise you often to take a walk in the lane in your off-duty hours. That is the best way to take a rest. It will dissipate your fatigue and relieve your nervous tension. When you are fidgety or depressed, go to the lane and wander around reciting or composing poems with your hands crossed behind your back. You will then suddenly fall into a bright mood and enjoy inner peace, forgetting both yourself and the external world. Do you have a sweetheart? Let me suggest that, instead of accompanying her on a visit to famous park or scenic spot, you take her with you for a stroll in the lane at dawn or dusk.

解析 1.本文是生活小散文,整体时态宜采用一般现在时,翻译的关键在于对“劳生草草”“豁然开朗”“怡然自得”“物我两忘”几个四字短语的把握。
2.“劳生草草”是形容人忙忙碌碌地辛劳一生,作者在此是想强调生活的“辛劳”,整句译成Aren’t youweighed down with cares in this life of hard toil,其中,care是指“(生活中的)操心事”,weigh sb.down意思是“使……感到沉重”。
3.第2句有好几个分句,应根据意思进行拆分。“那是最好的将息”中“将息”即“休息”,此处最好补出“方式”一词,因为若直接译成that is the best rest,便是奇怪、不地道的英语表达。“消除疲劳”可译作dissipateyour fatigue。
5.“爱人”一般不译成lover,因为在英文里,它更多地是指“情人”;“名园”可译成famous park,“胜景”译作scenic spot;“晨昏时节”指“早晨或黄昏”,故可译成at dawn or dusk。