Two of her brothers were______during the Second World War. (2015-66)A、called on

游客2024-09-06  4

问题 Two of her brothers were______during the Second World War. (2015-66)

选项 A、called on
B、called up
C、called for
D、called out

答案 B

解析 call sb.up表示“征召(某人)入伍;征调(某人)入队(尤指加入国家队)”,与the Second World War语境相符。如:He was called up at the beginning of the War.他在战争伊始就被征召入伍。此外,call sb.up还可表示“给某人打电话”。call on sb.意为“拜访、探望某人”。如:I shall call on her next week.我下周要去看望她。此外,call on do sth.表示“号召、呼吁某人做某事”,如:They’re calling on all men and boys over the age of 15 to join the army.他们号召所有15岁以上的男子参军。call sb.for则指“前往接某人”,如:I will call for you at eight.我8点钟来接你。请考生注意,call for sth.意为“需要”,如:The situation calls for immediate action.当前的情况需要立即采取行动。call sb.out尤指“在紧急情况下把某人叫来、招来”,如:The fire brigade was called out twice yesterday.昨天消防队出动了两次。