[originaltext]W: Hi, Henry, how was your weekend?M: Excellent! I went down to

游客2024-08-13  6

W: Hi, Henry, how was your weekend?
M: Excellent! I went down to the mall and got myself one of those new minicomputers. It’ s pretty cool. It has a huge memory and a super fast processor. Plus, it’ s so small that it can fit in a shirt pocket. Look, here it is.
W: Wow...it’ s so thin! I’ ve seen ads for this model on TV! It looks really cool. Hey, Mark, check out Henry’ s new toy!
Q: What is special about Henry’ s new computer ?

选项 A、It can be put in a shirt pocket.
B、It’ s of the latest design.
C、It has a fairly big screen.
D、It’ s bought at half the regular.

答案 A

解析 题目问的是亨利的新电脑有什么特别之处。对话中亨利提到他的电脑内存很大,处理器很快。另外,它非常小,可以放进衬衫的口袋里。故答案为A。