What sort of shoes would the man buy? [br] [originaltext]M: Sarah, I’ m a bit b

游客2024-08-10  7

问题 What sort of shoes would the man buy? [br]  
M: Sarah, I’ m a bit broke at the moment, so I don’ t want to spend too much today, but I’ d like to shop around for a pair of shoes that don’ t cost an arm and a leg.
W: Yeah, some shoes are over-priced, aren’ t they? We could check out the new shoe store next to the delicatessen.
M: So, let’s do something on Friday then. I’ve got the paper in front of me so let me see what’s on. Mm... there’s the Kirov Ballet at the Playhouse.
W: I like ballet. That would be nice. What time does it start?
M: Well, it’s on at2:10, 5:10 and 8:10.
W: Let’ s go to the 5 :10 and then have something to eat afterwards.

选项 A、Watch a ballet performance.
B、Write a paper.
C、Go to a play.
D、Dine out at lunch time.

答案 A

解析 对话中男士首先提议星期五去做点什么,并指出将会有Kirov Ballet at the Playhouse,于是女士向对方问开始的时间,最后双方确定5:10去那儿。因此A项“观看芭蕾表演”是说话者在周五将做的事情。