According to the news, the plane crashed ______ [br] [originaltext]A Boeing 727

游客2024-08-07  5

问题 According to the news, the plane crashed ______ [br]  
A Boeing 727 aircraft with 51 passengers and 10 crew on board has crashed into a mountain side just outside the Columbia capital, Bogota. Police and rescue workers said everyone was killed when the plane exploded scattering wreckage over a wide area. The crash happened shortly after take-off when the plane was unable to gain enough height to clear the mountains. The aircraft belonged to Ecuadorian Airline, but it had been chartered by Air-France for the route from Bogota to Ecuadorian Capital, Quito.
Israeli prosecutors are reviewing charges against Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, after Israeli police called off his indictment. Justice Ministry officials say they hope a decision on whether to bring charges against the Israeli leader will be announced Sunday. The case stems from the appointment of Runny Barong as Israeli attorney general. Critics charged the appointment was part of a conspiracy to end the trial of Netanyahu’s political ally.

选项 A、has been prosecuted by the Justice Ministry
B、may be prosecuted by the Justice Ministry
C、has been prosecuted by the police

答案 B

解析 本则新闻讲的是一起有关以色列总理内塔尼亚胡的政治官司。根据新闻第一句Israeliprosecutors are reviewing charges against…(以色列起诉方正在对指控材料进行复查)和第二句Ministry officials say they hope the decision…will be announced Sunday(部委官员希望在星期天对是否指控做出决定),由此可知指控尚未做出,故选项B为正确答案。