What is this conversation about? [br] [originaltext]W: Welcome to the Holiday S

游客2024-08-06  2

问题 What is this conversation about? [br]  
W: Welcome to the Holiday Show. Today with me in the studio I have Richard Bennet, a travel consultant who’s going to tell us about the holiday for those who have been everywhere. So Richard, what’s the next frontier for the fearless traveller?
M: We’re already working on plans that will get tourists into space within the next ten years.
W: So do you think that in a few years’ time we’ll be having hotels on the moon?
M: Well, possibly, but the first step will probably be suborbital trips. That’s staying within the earth’s orbit.
W: Then how will the tourists travel?
M: It’s about a hundred times as high as a jet plane usually goes and to get that high you’d need rocket planes, or capsules boosted by rockets.
W: That must be exciting. Do tourists need any kind of training on earth?
M: Yes, because there’ll be tremendous G-forces during one minute or so, and then a few minutes’ experience of weightlessness at zero gravity before the rocket returns to earth. They need a couple of days’ training to get used to them through.
W: So can you tell us who’s going to be interested in trips like this?
M: Well, we hope the general public will be interested in hearing about it, but it’s hardly for those wanting rest and recreation and in fact the sort of person who will probably want to do this is quite easy to target. They’re basically risk-takers.
W: So you don’t expect all that many people to go on these trips in the beginning?
M: No, we don’t think many people are going to pay out such large sums of money for just a few minutes. So the next stage is likely to be keeping them up there in the orbit for three or four hours.
W: What can they do during this period?
M: They’ll have the chance to see our planet from space, and also to see the darkness of space, and really spectacular sunsets and sunrises one after another.
W: So what about getting out of the earth’s orbit and doing some real space tourism-holidays on Mars, for example?
M: Well, yes, there are plans, and the next step is involving a really quite sizeable number of people in moon tours.
W: So are we talking about hotels on the moon here?
M: As on a cruise, your hotel is your means of transport. So it would involve taking a shuttle up to a spaceship. And passengers could even suit up and go outside space walking if they wanted.
W: That will be marvelous!

选项 A、Trips to the moon.
B、Trips in the moon’s orbit.
C、Trips within the earth’s orbit.

答案 C

解析 录音中男士提到“the first step will probably be suborbital trips.That’s staying within theearth’s orbit.”(第一步可能将是亚太空旅行,就是呆在地球的轨道内),所以C项“地球轨道内的旅行”正确。