From the first letter we learn that Mary ______. [br] The most important rule fo

游客2024-07-24  6

问题 From the first letter we learn that Mary ______. [br] The most important rule for Mary to follow in treating her guests is to______.

选项 A、be as polite as she can
B、let them feel at home
C、prepare delicious food
D、create a formal atmosphere

答案 B

解析 本题为语义理解题。回信最后一段第一句指出,也许最重要的一条建议就是to be natural“要自然”;第二句中进一步解释Treat your guests as you want them to treat you when you’re in their home(对待客人要像你在他们家时希望他们对待你那样),也就是说,要让客人feel at home(感觉自在)。对照四个选项,只有选项B与此意思相同。选项A“尽可能表现得礼貌些”,回信最后一段第二句最后指出don’t try too hard to be polite,即不要表现得过于礼貌,所以排除选项A;选项C“准备可口的食物”虽然在前面已经提到,但是原文中并未提到这项工作是最重要的,所以排除;选项D“创造一种正式的氛围”与原文意思相反,因为最后一段末句Ann建议“在愉快的气氛中享受美好的时光”,而并非刨造一种正式的氛围,因此排除D。