收信人:Intel公司人力资源部Mr. Black 发信人:李华 李华从报纸上看到Intel公司要招聘行政助理的广告。现在它要写一封应聘信,说明自己

游客2024-07-05  1

问题 收信人:Intel公司人力资源部Mr. Black
Words for Reference: leadership领导能力;Students’ Union校学生会


答案 Dear Mr. Black,
   I am Li Hua from Lantian University. I want to recommend myself to you for the position—Administrative Assistant in your company. My major is Administrative Management and I will graduate from the university this July. During my college years, I worked hard and made remarkable academic achievements. As the president of the Students’ Union. I also learned effective leadership. I hope I Can show you my potentials during the interview. Thank you for your attention of my application.
   I anl looking forward for your reply!
                                                                        Yours sincerely,
                                                                                  Li Hua
