Follow Reporting Structure: During the course of your employment, follow the

游客2024-06-21  3

问题    Follow Reporting Structure: During the course of your employment, follow the reporting structure when reporting a problem or bringing up a new idea, starting with your immediate supervisor and moving up. If you violate (违反) the accepted practices, you will be marked as unprofessional. When you start a job, ask about the chain of command and commit it to memory.
   Be Respectful: No matter which job you hold in a company, it’s important to be respectful of others. Show respect for their lifestyle choices, personal property and work styles. In any given office or situation, respectful behavior helps establish a professional reputation.
   Minimize Personal Communications-. With the popularity of smartphones, it can be tempting to spend a disproportionate (不成比例的) amount of time participating in personal communication during work hours. Limit your use of your smartphone to avoid the perception (看法) that you waste company time or do not get enough work done.
   Follow Company Policies: In most businesses, company policies exist for a reason, from safety to legal protection. Get to know your company policy and make every effort to follow it. If a situation arises that requires you to break your company policy, speak to a supervisor and ask for suggestions. [br] If you fail to follow the accepted practices of the reporting structure, you will______.

选项 A、risk losing your present job
B、have to take a training course
C、be considered as unprofessional
D、be transferred to another department

答案 C

解析 事实细节题。由题干中的fail to follow和the reporting structure定位到文章第一段。本段指出,要按照报告的程序,从直接领导逐级向上汇报问题或提出新想法,若违反这一程序,会被认为违反职业准则。题干中的fail to follow是对定位段第二句中violate的解释,选项C)中的be considered是对第二句中be marked的同义转述。由此可以确定C)“被认为违反职业准则”为本题的答案。