From the first sentence we learn that researchers ______. [br] It is implied in

游客2024-06-16  5

问题 From the first sentence we learn that researchers ______. [br] It is implied in the passage that the babies at the day-care center ______.

选项 A、were born of mothers with higher IQs
B、were more closely attended to by their mothers
C、were reared under a more favorable environment
D、were given more medical care than those at home

答案 C

解析 从文章第二段分析可知,在day-care center抚养的孩子的智商比在家里抚养的孩子的智商要高,从而可以确定答案为C。文章第一段提到,这两类孩子都被给予了医疗照顾,妈妈的智商都差不多(平均为80),而在家里抚养的孩子被妈妈照顾的要多一些,因此其他三项均错误。