It is implied that, a year ago, ______. [br] Why does the author mention the fac

游客2024-06-15  0

问题 It is implied that, a year ago, ______. [br] Why does the author mention the fact that shirts are once more being tucked into trousers?

选项 A、To show that people do so to follow the new economy trendsetters.
B、To point out a typical phenomenon in America’s congenitally casual west coast.
C、To indicate the fact that people try to dress in a less casual way.
D、To prove suits and ties are not popular among people.

答案 C

解析 第3段首句是该段的主题句,该段的其他句子都是为了支持主题句的。第2、3句就是为了说明人们的衣着从casual变得conservative了,也就是说,人们变得less casual了,因此选项C为本题答案。选项A中的new economy trendsetters出现在该段第4句,与第3句是并列的,都用于支持主题句,也就是说,把衬衫下摆塞进裤子的人和新经济的开创者是两个独立的例子,两者之间不存在选项A所表述的关系;选项 B提到美国西海岸特有的现象,那里的人仍然保持随意的穿着,其用词与第3段首句极为相似,但忽略了going conservative这个趋势,显然,这与原文的意思是矛盾的;西装和领带都属于保守的衣着,选项D指出的趋势也与第 3段首句提到的趋势相反。