1. 你是如何得知招生信息的2. 自我推荐并说明选择该校的理由3. 希望得到该校的回复                    A Cover Letter

游客2024-06-14  15

问题 1. 你是如何得知招生信息的
2. 自我推荐并说明选择该校的理由
3. 希望得到该校的回复


答案                     A Cover Letter
Dear Sir/Madam,
   ①I know from your advertisement that you are going to enroll some Chinese students to pursue further study in your university. ②I am very interested in it and I will appreciate an opportunity to study in a famous university like yours.
   ③I am a senior in Qinghua University, working toward my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. For the past 3 years, I have received comprehensive education in computer science, with a personal interest in software engineering, ④In addition to the academic knowledge, I have also participated actively in various field practices. Now I am one of six members on a software development team, writing a computer aided program for our school. ⑤Furthermore, being fully aware of tile close correlation between the Computer Science and the language of English, I am quite confident that the level of my English language proficiency will make my study in your university easier and smoother.
   I will be very happy to provide you with any other information you may need, or answer any questions you may have. ⑥I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration.
                                                                                           Li Ming

解析 ①审题及布局。虽然不是求职,这篇作文也应该属于典型的自荐信,所以在格式上应该遵循自荐信的整体写作结构,结合题目所给的具体信息进行写作即可。第一段中要阐述你是如何得知该学校招收中国学生入校学习这个信息的。第二段中介绍个人信息,并阐明你对进入这个学校学习感兴趣的主要原因,同时应该尽量说明个人有足够的能力和水平来完成该学校的学习要求。第三段按照题目要求表示真诚地期待该学校的回复信息,同时要表示如果校方需要你更多的额外个人信息,你将非常愿意及时联系。最后对校方能够考虑你的申请表示感谢。②语言。本文是类似求职类的信件,所以语言上尽量要保持正规、准确;同时语言表达要真诚、可信。