According to Vint Cerf, television would soon approach its" iPod moment" when vi

游客2024-06-13  3

问题 According to Vint Cerf, television would soon approach its" iPod moment" when viewers could download their ______. [br] What will cause" traffic jams" on the Internet according to Broadband companies?


答案 The service of providing television programs on Internet.

解析 题干提问的是什么服务会导致网络“堵塞”。原文意思是:电视在线点播服务台导致“网络交通堵塞”,而“疏通”成本则会达到几百万英镑。由原谅可以找到 the service will cause "traffic jams",完整的答案结合上文可找到。上文中提到了television on demand,指的就是通过网络提供观众下载,即providing television programs on Internet.